
University of Cyberjaya defines sustainability that encompasses all aspects of ethical business practices

UoC Sustainability
University of Cyberjaya (UoC) defines sustainability as a term that encompasses all aspects of ethical business practices by addressing relevant issues responsibly and profitably.

The University recognises the importance of sustainability and its increasing impact to our operations. We are committed to understanding and implementing sustainable practices and to exploring the benefits to the university whilst attempting to achieve the right balance between the needs of the wider community and our focus on delivering quality education to our students.

To be champions of sustainable development and play a leading role in the implementation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in University of Cyberjaya and community.


To empower University of Cyberjaya staff and students with the knowledge and skills related to sustainable development goals (SDGs) for creating social and environmental impact through research, campus projects and outreach programmes.

  1. Implement research, campus projects, outreach programmes towards achieving SDGs (research, outreach)
  2. Engage staff and students in campaigns and projects related to SDGs through teaching and learning and capacity building (institutional culture)
  3. Raise awareness about SDGs through public lectures, community events or forums through partnerships (external leadership)


Dr. Hassan Basri Jahubar Sathik, Director, Academic Affairs


Yang Fatimahanom Binti Abdullah Sani, Manager, Academic Management Department


Administrative Assistant

Nurul Asyikin Binti Amran



Reishmi B. Devan, Lecturer, Faculty of Traditional and Complementary Medicine


  1. Professor Dato Dr. Hj Abd Rahim Hj Mohamad, Professor, Public Health, Faculty of Medicine
  2. Associate Professor Dr. Mohammad Husni Ahmad Jamal, Faculty of Medicine
  3. Dr. Mohammed A. Abdalqade, Faculty of Medicine
  4. Assoc. Professor Dr. Intan Zarina Binti Zainol Abidin, Senior Research Officer, Centre for Graduate Studies, Research and Commercialisation
  5. Nurazra Binti Robaai, DVC Research Office
  6. Waheedah Abdul Hakeem, Lecturer, Faculty of Pharmacy
  7. Masro, Lecturer, Faculty of Pharmacy
  8. Mahani Mahadi, Lecturer, Faculty of Pharmacy
  9. Dr. Amirah Binti Abedinlah, Faculty of Safety and Health
  10. Dr. Hanisah Rosli, Lecturer, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
  11. Kala Raani A/P Chandra Guindan, Acting Dean, Faculty of Nursing
  12. Joemmaicca Augustta Anak Joggery, Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing
  13. Dr. Maniyarasi A/P Gowindasamy, Lecturer, Faculty of Business and Technology
  14. Dr. Syed Abdul Kadir Bin Abdullah, Lecturer, Faculty of Business and Technology
  15. Priya Sukirthanandan, Lecturer, Faculty of Business and Technology
  16. Cynthia Shoba A/P Anthony, Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences
  17. Gaayatri Nesan, Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences
  18. Norhafizah Abdul Ghani, Lecturer, Centre for Foundation Studies, Languages and General Studies
  19. Mohd Faiez Bin Zaidon, Lecturer, Centre for Foundation Studies, Languages and General Studies
  20. Mohamad Rasyid Bin Sukifto, Centre for Foundation Studies, Languages and General Studies
  21. Mohd Fairus Nikmat, Centre for Disaster Relief Medicine
  22. Nurul Shazlin Fadzil, Manager, Student Affairs Department
  23. Mohd Khairul Fatha Sharuddin, Student Affairs Department
  24. Nalena Balachandran, Manager, Global Engagement Department
  25. Siti Hajar, Tabung Zakat University of Cyberjaya – TAZUoC (Zakat Welfare Fund)
  26. Theresa Shalini Stephen, Assistant Manager, Corporate Affairs Department

The University of Cyberjaya advocates Sustainability through the following methods. Sustainability Committee

Building internal capacity and ownership of the SDGs by the appointment of committee with representatives from all faculties and centres supported by the management, launching and subsequent training.

Sustainability Road Map

Identifying priorities, opportunities and gaps in SDGs that are relevant to the university, local community, and nation through Sustainability Road Map.

Strategic plan

Integrating Sustainable Development Goals within university strategies, research, and outreach programmes.

Monitoring, evaluating, and communicating actions

Collecting data through research and reporting impact through publications, website, social media, and annual report.

The University of Cyberjaya ranked top 401-600 joins a growing list of world leading universities highlighted in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023. The Rankings is organised and published by Times Higher Education (THE), the publishers of the World University Rankings. THE Impact Rankings 2020 recognises universities across the world for their social and economic impact based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
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What are Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 be achieved by 2030 for a better world. SDGs covers a wide range of social, economic, and environmental issues to be addressed collectively by all sections of society. It is a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Goals are interconnected, often the key to success on one goal will involve tackling issues more commonly associated with another. Educational institutions play an essential role in imparting education in sustainability among children and youths to tackle social, economic, and environmental challenges in businesses and community.
Scholarships and financial aid for students
Scholarships and financial aid for students
University of Cyberjaya offers several financial aid options to help students to pay for their studies. These include internal bursaries and scholarships. There are also a number of external organizations such as NGOs, foundations and government agencies that provide additional aid.
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Tabung Amanah Zakat & Kebajikan University of Cyberjaya (TAZUoC)
is the university student welfare fund set up in 2007 to aid financially challenged students regardless of religion and race and for staff with low household income with monthly self-allowance, education fee, practical, training allowance, emergency aid, Aidilfitri aid, funeral donation and others. It is funded by the zakat payment from Muslim staff (current: 72 staff) of the university.

TAZUoC has also contributed to external parties which included international students from countries such as Bangladesh, Nepal and Thailand who were identified during the Twenties for Smileys (TFS), a humanitarian project under the Student Council of the University.
Number of student beneficiaries from B40 (low income) families: 3 000

Total funds collected till present (2017 – 2020): RM 883,013.81.
View Report
Work & Study programme
Work & Study programme
Student Library Assistantship (SLA) Programme is offered to UoC full time and part-time students. Students are paid an allowance of RM 5.00/ hour.

Job responsibilities are:

  • Responsible in all loan transactions at the Circulation Counter.
  • Shelving, shelf-reading and arrangement of furniture and fitting in good order.
  • Assist library user to locate and use library materials for teaching and learning purposes.
  • Perform any other task as instructed by Library staff / Library Manager.
Student ambassador program by student recruitment department provides UoC students the opportunity to study and earn part time. Work timings are flexible. Students can earn up to RM 45 per day and RM 65 for educational events. The job scope involves data entry, filling, telemarketing, and providing campus tours for prospect students and parents. Around 200 students have participated in this program.
Covid-19 Emergency Aid Fund
Covid-19 Emergency Aid Fund
‘We Care, You Stay’ COVID-19 Emergency Aid Fund was launched by the student affairs department in partnership with the university’s student welfare fund (TAZUoC). The programme provided food aid and other welfare support for 250 students from 24th March 2020 to 9th June 2020. The fund benefitted both local and international students hailing from Yemen, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, Brunei, Philippines, Maldives and Bangladesh. Those who contributed include University staff, the general public as well as other parties such as the local mosque, Masjid Raja Haji Fi Sabilillah. Aside from monetary donations, students were also given dry food products for their daily use such as rice, flour, sugar by Lembaga Zakat Selangor, Food Bank Siswa Malaysia (Malaysian Government’s Food Bank initiative) as well as Team Selangor, a community-focused NGO.
Total funds collected: RM21,761.00.

Number of student beneficiaries: 250
Student ambassador program by student recruitment department provides UoC students the opportunity to study and earn part time. Work timings are flexible. Students can earn up to RM 45 per day and RM 65 for educational events. The job scope involves data entry, filling, telemarketing, and providing campus tours for prospect students and parents. Around 200 students have participated in this program.
Support for B40 students
Support for B40 students
In Malaysia, there are three category of income groups, Top 20% (T20), Middle 40% (M40) and Bottom 40% (B40). Financial aids and scholarships are provided for the B40 group of students. In 2019, there were 291 students’ enrolments from B40 group. 26.5 % of the students enrolled are from the bottom household income group (B40) receiving financial aid from PTPTN. University encourages students to graduate on time. For this there are multiple activities to help students like mentor-mentee, counselling service, student welfare funds, scholarships, loans. University has policy that protects those reporting discriminations from educational disadvantage. University also provides subsidised accommodation, free bus shuttle services from varsity lodge (hostel) to campus and mini food bank.

 University has taken initiatives to assist students from the low-income group for an example with Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Higher National MIC Youth to provide scholarship to academic performers. Besides scholarships, there are welfare funds, work and study programme to support students from this group to successfully complete their studies.
Admission target for B40 students – 30%

Graduation/ Completion target for B40 students – 93%
Support for International students
Support for International students
University supports international students who are mostly from the low or lower-middle income countries by providing scholarships and research grants. Countries represented are Syria, Yemen, Kenya, Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, Tanzania, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Djibouti, Philippines. University has provided research grants to international PG students.
Number of international students: 439 students

Number of countries represented by our international students: 48 countries
Anti-poverty programmes
Anti-poverty programmes
Faculty of Business and Technology conducts programmes in business management to equip students and community with the knowledge of sustainable business. University has also supported social enterprise like Coffee Zone which employs disabled Baristas and local businesses. The YOUNG ENTERPRENUERSHIP CLUB (YEC) is university club in the pipeline to empower students and community with entrepreneurship knowledge and skills.
The UoC Student Council has a representative for Entrepreneurial and Economy.
Programmes to improve standards of living of community
Programmes to improve standards of living of community
Belia Harmoni Club in collaboration with members of Student Community Outreach Team (SCOuT) raised awareness regarding hygiene among indigenous children by teaching the right technique of handwashing and tooth brushing. The children were also educated on classes of food and the importance of nutrition for their health.
Twenties for Smileys (TFS) is an annual international humanitarian programme conducted by University of Cyberjaya students in low and lower middle-income countries. Basic essential foods items are provided to the needy. Children are educated on self-hygiene and special care. Long-term project is the installation of solar lamps in the village of Tay Ninh in Vietnam to make energy accessible to the locals.
World Food Day
World Food Day
15 000 tonnes of food go to landfills daily in Malaysia, of which 3,000 tonnes are perfectly edible. In conjunction with the World Food Day on 16 Oct 2019, students participated in #MYCleanPlate Campaign in support of local NGO, The Lost Food Project which rescues surplus food and donates it to charities to tackle hunger and food waste.
Sustainable Food Choices
Sustainable Food Choices
University cafeteria, Delish café provides vegetarian and vegan food options. The café procures their fresh ingredients from local markets therefore supporting local farm producers and reducing carbon footprint. The food is comparatively affordable compared to the eateries in Cyberjaya. Students are encouraged to make the right choice about the meal’s portions and calories intake.
TAZUoC Mini Food bank
TAZUoC Mini Food bank
TAZUoC Mini Food Bank (previously known as TAZ Free Food Cabinet) was established in 2018. This project is one of the efforts by University welfare fund, TAZUoC to help the students in need.

The mini food bank provides dry foods such as rice, egg, flour, sugar and many more, where the students can take the food to cook at their residence.

Besides ensuring the student’s welfare are taken care of, this effort also aim to encourage people especially the UoC lecturers and staff to donate.
Funds collected: RM18,410

Number of student beneficiaries: 300
Urban Community Edible Farm
Urban Community Edible Farm
University of Cyberjaya has adopted two plots in Cyber FarmUr, a local urban community edible farm in Cyberjaya developed by Prima Avenue, real estate developer. University has offered local herbs and vegetable plants such as Kaempferia galanga (cekur), Cosmos caudatus (Ulam Rajah), Ocimum basilicum (Selasih / Basil), Cymbopogon citratus (Serai / Lemongrass) to local urban community farm, Cyberfarmur. The volunteer team from UoC is guided by Asst. Prof. Eric, a biologist. Volunteers gain knowledge on planting local vegetables and herbs, soil, water harvesting and composting. The farm promotes food security, community engagement and team building.

Registration link for UoC Volunteer team:
Public health nutrition
Public health nutrition
The public health nutrition course in Bachelor of dietetics in the pipeline develops students’ understanding on public health nutrition with a focus placed on the importance of building a sustainable, nutritious and healthy food supply for all. Consideration is given to factors which influence consumer food choices, dietary habits and food consumption patterns including social, cultural and environmental factors. Students are introduced to major nutrition and health policies which underpin intervention programs and initiatives aiming to promote healthy eating behaviors in consumers and/or healthy food production in food industry.
Nutritional Day
Nutritional Day

CSH Nutritional Day was organized by the CUCMS Society of Homeopathy to create awareness among the students about the benefits of having balanced meal in their daily life. The “quarter-quarter half” lunch meal challenge was introduced to students. First quarter of the plate is filled with carbohydrates, second quarter with protein source other half of the plate with vegetables and one serving of fruit. Students took up the challenge. The best photo of the challenge was given a prize.
Healthcare graduates
Healthcare graduates
University of Cyberjaya has 20 healthcare programmes ranging from medicine to pharmacy, from psychology to physiotherapy and has produced over 1500 healthcare graduates. The MBBS programme at UoC has produced 1,341 medical doctors.
Collaborations and health services

University of Cyberjaya collaborates with local, national and global health institutions for community well-being.


Mymedikal Healthcare Sdn Bhd

Approximately 1.5 million children are circumcised each year in Malaysia and most of them undergo the procedure using disposable devices. Most of these disposable devices carry at least a 37% risk of complication to the user. Dr. Mohamad Salleh bin Abdul Aziz, senior lecturer from the Faculty of Medicine invention ‘solehring’ can reduce such complications and ensure a safe and risk-free circumcision procedure. He is a recipient of ‘Islamic Innovation Challenge (IIC)’ award for his ground-breaking invention, ‘SolehRing’.
Majlis Perbandaran Sepang (MPS) and Majlis Pengurusan Komuniti Kampung (MPKK) Kampung Jenderam Hilir, Sepang, Selangor

Karnival Mesra Ubat (KaMU) is an annual health promotion programme organised by CUCMS Pharmacy Student Society (CUPSS) to create awareness against the misuse of antibiotics. Improving community awareness and belief play a large role in empowering individuals to be the driver of their own health; including understanding the presence or absence of antibiotic therapy in the management of their current illness.
More Than A Pharmacist
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National disaster management agency (NADMA) Malaysia

The Center for Disaster and Relief Medicine, University of Cyberjaya collaborated with NADMA to shape nation’s very own Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) that functions to educate people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and train them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.
Health outreach programmes
Health outreach programmes
University delivers outreach programmes and projects in community to improve and promote health and well-being

“Care for Our Princesses” is a Young Mercy project organized in collaboration with Raudhatus Sakinah Guidance Centre to create awareness about feminine hygiene and share knowledge on general daily. Raudhatus Sakinah Guidance Centre is a shelter for Muslim teenage girls who are dealing with social issues and require protection as well as guidance.
15 volunteers of Young Mercy from University of Cyberjaya
33 residents of Raudhatus Sakinah Guidance Centre

TwentiesForSmileys (TFS) is an annual international humanitarian Programme conducted by University of Cyberjaya students. This annual mission focuses on providing health services, medical care, education, and welfare support to the underprivileged community in line with the university’s vision of ‘Nurturing the Passion to Care’. Saigon Outreach of Unity & Soul (SOUL) 2019 is the 7th international mission organized.
  • 2013 – Cambodia
  • 2014 – Vietnam
  • 2015 – Indonesia
  • 2016 – Vientiane, Laos
  • 2017 – Nepal
  • 2018 – Bangladesh
  • 2019 – Vietnam
Lending a helping hand featured in The Star on 1st September 2019
Lending a helping hand featured in The Star on 1st September 2019
Humanitarian Project in Vietnam (SOUL 2019) was featured in Berita Harian on 29th August 2019.
Sports Carnival is an annual programme organized by the university’s student council. University has also played host to intervarsity sports event, National Pharmacy Sports Carnival (NPSC) organised by the Malaysian Pharmacy Students’ Association (MyPSA). University of Cyberjaya are the champions for the 4th year running.
Ping pong table in campus for staff to take a break and stay active.
The university Varsity Lodge is equipped with Swimming pool for students.
Sexual health care for students
Sexual health care for students
UoC Belia Harmoni club has conducted Sexual and Reproductive Health talk for students.
Health and Psychology Clinic
Health and Psychology Clinic
UoC Belia Harmoni club has conducted Sexual and Reproductive Health talk for students.
Mental health programmes
Mental health programmes
Understanding the importance of mental health, in conjunction with World Mental Health Day, UoC Psychology Students conducts activities on the importance of self-care, how to manage mental wellbeing and recognize mental health symptoms.
Psychiatrist and Assistant Professor Dr.Rafidah Bahari of University of Cyberjaya featured in the article on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Smoke free campus
Smoke free campus
The University promotes a healthy and safe environment. All the University community is reminded especially the students about the warning on the smoking ban and the banning of electronic or vapour cigarettes on campus. UoC Belia Harmoni Club conducts Smoke Free Campaign.
CirculationStudent Code of Conduct
Disaster Relief and Medicine (DRM) Programme
Disaster Relief and Medicine (DRM) Programme
Recognising that medical professionals need to be prepared to deal with global crises, the University of Cyberjaya (UoC) ensures all its MBBS students are exposed to the Disaster Relief and Medicine (DRM) programme – one of the few universities in the region to provide such training for MBBS students to develop leadership skills in unprecedented circumstances.
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Addiction Science
Addiction Science
Post-Graduate Diploma in Addiction Science (Pg.D. in Addiction Science) developed in line with the professional curriculum promoted by the Colombo Plan International Centre for Certification and Education of Addiction Professionals (CPICCE) is a specialised programme aims to develop professionals in the addiction treatment field. Contents include Addiction Science, Substance Use Disorders, treatment, and rehabilitation setting among others. Successful graduates of the Pg.D. in Addiction Science will qualify to sit for the ICCE International Certified Addiction Professional I (ICAP I).
Dr. Fairus Fairus, Assistant Professor from University of Cyberjaya was featured in the article on Addiction, Fight all forms of addition.
Lifelong learning
Public trainings
University of Cyberjaya in strategic partnership with parent company, Minda Global’s subsidiary, SMR HR Group, presents public trainings, workshops, certificate programmes for continuing professional development on online education platform called eVarsity.
List of Trainings
Public talks
Public talks
Distinguished Lecture Series features influential speakers from the academia, public sphere and industries who share their unique perspectives on critical topics of interest. The series aims to broaden the educational experience of the university community as well as members of the industry while providing a platform for the healthy exchange of ideas. The event had featured many prominent figures in the country such as Kolonel (K) Tan Sri Datuk Wira Dr. Hj. Mohd Shukor bin Hj. Mahfar, Professor Dr. Muhaya Hj. Mohamad, Dato’ Dr Mohammed Azman bin Dato’ Aziz Mohammed, Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, Dr. Dzulkefly Ahmad and many more.
SMR Webinar Series is a series of online webinars initiated during Covid pandemic presented by University of Cyberjaya in collaboration with SMR HR Group. The themes of the webinar ranges from Teaching and Learning, healthcare series to self-reflection and productivity series.
University hosted its first idea-sharing platform, on 18th September 2019. Dubbed the Sharing Positivity, Aspirations, Resources and Knowledge (SPARK), the programme aims to showcase influential speakers of every discipline and culture to change attitudes and lives of the people in the community. SPARK 2019 featured Azran Osman-Rani, a serial entrepreneur, developer of Naluri, a digital therapeutics service that assigns an individual a professional health coach and Asha Gill, Television and TV host turned life coach.
Motivational speakers leave an impact on CUCMS students
Primary school teacher education
National Education Leadership Icon Award 2019
Datuk Asariah Mior Shaha­ruddin the board of governors member of University of Cyberjaya received the National Education Leadership Icon Award 2019 for her contribution to the field of teacher education. Some of the achievements include upgrading teacher training colleges to become degree awarding institutions, which are now known as teacher education institutes (IPGs), pioneering graduate level teacher training for primary school teachers and enabling secondary school teachers to become graduate teachers and be placed on a higher scale in the Education Service Scheme.
Recognition for her work on teacher education:
Bijak SPM
Bijak SPM
BijakSPM is a FREE resource for students preparing for the Malaysian High School Certificate Examination (SPM). Students can access countless test questions and find out how best to answer the questions. Before Covid-19 pandemic, face to face sessions were conducted for secondary school students sititng for their High School Certificate (SPM) examinations.
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Community educational event
Community educational event
‘Little Pharmacists’ Adventures’ was organised by Faculty of Pharmacy on campus for children between 7- to 12- years old on 17th August 2019. Activities in the programme was exploration of where your medicine in the body goes to, role play on pharmacist-patient relationship in mini hospital setting, fun hands-on experience on making medicine tablet and experience as a pharmacist serving the community. 54 children participated in the event.
Educational outreach activities
Educational outreach activities
Kelas Kita
An incentive tuition classes that focus on 3M: Menulis, Membaca, Mengira (Writing, reading, counting) conducted by UoC Belia Harmoni Club for indigenous children. Student volunteers teach children counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, reading short stories and writing essays. Besides these children also learn about basic needs of plants, process of photosynthesis, solar system, hygiene and nutrition.
About the Project
In collaboration with Malayan Medical Relief Society (MERCY), University has developed the Young Mercy volunteerism programme which conducts projects related to education, humanitarian relief, environment.
List of Project
Educate to elevate
Educate to elevate
Educate to elevate is an initiative in collaboration with BSMM members. The event took place on 22 February 2020 from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm at Kampung Orang Asli Donglai Baru, Semenyih with 18 students and a lecturer, 20 BSMM members & 500 villagers. It aimed to create awareness on health among the residents of the village and to reduce the risk of death or future ill-health.
Event Report
Blossom and Blissful
Blossom and Blissful
Blossom and Blissful is an education session on menstrual cycle for girls and hygiene for boys organised for 60 children from Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Bimbingan At-Taqwa on 21st February 2020.
Event Report
Lifelong learning access policy
Lifelong learning access policy
A policy that ensures that access to these activities is accessible to all, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, or gender. The University published the policy that ensures that access to these activities is accessible to all, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability or gender in its parent company, Minda Global Code of conduct under 7.2 Diversity and Inclusion pp. 15-16.
Code of Conduct
Policy on Female Students Access Participation
Policy on Female Students Access Participation

University of Cyberjaya
Policy on Female Student Access & Participation

The goal of the University of Cyberjaya’s policy on FEMALE STUDENT ACCESS & PARTICIPATION is to support the enrollment of a diverse pool of learners that reflects diversity in the gender of the student body. The University continues to be committed to promoting equality and preventing negative discrimination in its student selection. The University intends to be a forerunner in the promotion of equality and the creation of an atmosphere of respect for diversity.

Furthermore, the University believes that there are substantial social and economic returns to society and a nation if its female populations’ education attainment is raised as it contributes to a more robust workforce, increased quality of life and higher Gross National Income (GNI)

This policy is also in support of the University’s parent company’s Code of Conduct, Chapter 7.2: Diversity and Inclusion.
Policy Objective Statement

To enable the University of Cyberjaya to attain equality and promote women’s empowerment by developing and nurturing a gender-responsive organizational behavior across the University operations.
  1. Targeted enrollment assistance for female students through the Global Empowerment Female Bursary
  2. Highlighting the role of female professionals in various careers to raise awareness and interest in female students for specific programmes that they are underrepresented.
  3. Providing career counselling services specifically to address female student’s concerns about industry opportunities.
  4. Measuring enrollment statistics and highlighting programmes that have a low female application rate to develop remedial action plans through outreach programmes and collaborations with community groups/ government/ NGO in regional and national campaigns.
  5. Develop and enforce policy guidelines on the use of gender inclusive language throughout the University.
  6. Review and update all existing University policies, forms and procedures to eliminate sexist language and establish gender equality.
  7. Develop and operationalise a policy prohibiting public display of visual aids and materials that are demeaning to women and men.
  8. Develop and enforce guidelines for ensuring a secure campus environment and promote safety initiatives to help re-assure female students.
  1. Institute a mentoring system as a support mechanism for increasing the enrolment and retention of students, especially for female students in science-based disciplines and professions.
  2. Develop mechanisms for monitoring the performance and retention of students by gender.
  3. An annual review of the curriculum to ensure that it does not rely on or reinforce stereotypical assumptions about gender, and that it does not contain gender insensitive materials.
Implementation & Monitoring
Implementation & Monitoring
The Student Experiences & Global Engagement Division shall be the lead department in driving, coordinating, monitoring and reporting on the various initiatives outlined in this policy.

The Division shall prepare an annual report to the Senior Management highlighting the University’s implementation and progress.

Policy created on: Oct 2020
Women enrolments and graduates
Women enrolments and graduates
In University of Cyberjaya, female students have equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities as male students. They are supported through mentor-mentee, have access to counselling services and career advice to assist them in graduating within appropriate time and are empowered to take up leadership roles and responsibilities through teaching-learning, clubs, and societies activities. In 2019, women’s acceptance or entry rate was at 49.8%. Percentage of female undergraduate students completing within appropriate time was 94.61%. The likelihood of women graduating is 85.95% and men is 77.73%. University also conducts regular visits to girl’s schools to encourage female students to apply for programmes where they are underrepresented.
Non-discrimination policy supporting women
Non-discrimination policy supporting women
University practices policies for diversity and inclusion in code of conduct by parent company, Minda Global. University does not discriminate based on gender, race, religion, age, sexual orientation, or disability. Women are treated equally and can develop and realise their full potential. University encourages greater participation by female members of the community through targeted initiatives that promote inclusion. Zero tolerance for harassment. The Whistle Blowing policy protects those reporting discriminations from educational or employment disadvantage.
Maternity and paternity policy
Maternity and paternity policy
University has maternity and paternity policy to support women’s participation. Females are given 60 days maternity leave and males 3 days for the birth of natural child.
Whistle-blowing policy
Whistle-blowing Policy
University practices policy that protects those reporting discriminations from educational or employment disadvantage.
Mentor-mentee system
Mentor-mentee system
University provide mentoring support to students where all female students have access to and participates.
Lifelong learning access policy
Global Empowerment Female Bursary
The ‘Global Empowerment Female Bursary’ covers up to 15% of student’s tuition fees for selected programmes. It is open to eligible female students to promote greater access to education.
Childcare subsidy for staff
Childcare subsidy for staff
Staff with children (max 2 children) are given RM200.00 to RM250.00 subsidy for childcare fees on a reimbursement claim basis.
Clean water
Clean water
Students and staff are provided access to clean water on campus. Drinking water is provided in campus cafeteria.
Humanitarian projects for clean water and sanitation
Humanitarian projects for clean water and sanitation
University MMBS student testing the tube well that weas built as part of their mission in Bangladesh in 2018. Medical students trained for disaster respons
Water conservation
Water conservation
Spring loaded push auto-stop faucets shuts down automatically to reduce water wastage and adjusting the shutdown timing to the minimum. Installation of aerator in high-traffic washrooms to reduce tap water usage.
Sanitation & Hygiene
Sanitation & Hygiene
Hygiene and sanitation of the campus premise are given the uttermost importance. Campus including washrooms and toilets are cleaned regularly. There are also sanitary waste disposal services provided.
During Covid-19 pandemic, the sanitation of campus was enhanced further with the installation of hand sanitizers and posters reminding its usage. The campus was sanitized by the Fire & Rescue Department of Malaysia before students returned to campus in March 2021.
Energy conservation
Energy conservation
The usage of energy in the campus is a critical metrics tracked by the University’s Facilities Department. The management has identified initiatives that aims to reduce our energy usage per sqft of campus floor space occupied.
Air conditioning
Air conditioning
The campus employs the latest in air-conditioning technology with an Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) that is almost 30% better than older systems. The system also requires no water supply thus further reducing water consumption.

The design for the campus emphasis on non-airconditioned corridors and open areas with air flow thus reducing the total air-conditioned floorspace. Air-conditioning to individual rooms can also be independently switched off thus reducing the total energy consumption throughout the day. Air conditioning in the offices areas automatically switched off at the end of office hours.
Sanitation & Hygiene
Sanitation & Hygiene
Hygiene and sanitation of the campus premise are given the uttermost importance. Campus including washrooms and toilets are cleaned regularly. There are also sanitary waste disposal services provided.
During Covid-19 pandemic, the sanitation of campus was enhanced further with the installation of hand sanitizers and posters reminding its usage. The campus was sanitized by the Fire & Rescue Department of Malaysia before students returned to campus in March 2021.
Fair pay scale
Fair pay scale
University practices fair pay scale with elimination of gender pay gaps and provides fair employee compensation. Women are provided equal pay as men. The minimum monthly wage under the 2020 Order in Malaysia is RM1,200 per month. University ensures the pay scale meets the minimum monthly wage.
Employee benefits
Employee benefits
Employees are provided benefits, such as promotions, medical and dental reimbursements, mileage claims, staff insurance, free parking, annual medical and hospitalisation coverage, maternity, paternity, compassionate, replacement leaves. International academic staff are provided with monthly accommodation allowance.
Employment policy on discrimination
Employment policy on discrimination
University practices policy that does not discriminate based on gender, race, religion, age, sexual orientation, or disability in the workplace and is against forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour.
Transparent and Timely Reporting
Transparent and Timely Reporting
The latest financial results and announcements are uploaded on parent, Minda Global Berhad website.

Click on the photo below to download:
University practices Minda Global Group Code of Conduct which emphasise on treating people according to Human and Labour rights
Suppliers and contractors
Suppliers and contractors
Fair renewal and evaluation of contractors and vendors.
Student internships and employability
Student internships and employability
Student internships are offered in conjunction with local organisation / businesses. Parent company, Minda Global Berhad has established the Employment Placement Unit (EPU) platform to expose graduates to career and job opportunities which has helped numerous graduates to gain employment in Malaysia and Singapore. Some organisations pay students of Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering Technology programmes students allowance during their industrial training.
University Alumni
University Alumni
University conducts alumni surveys to monitor their achievements and activities.
Solehring, safe and risk-free circumcision procedure
Solehring, safe and risk-free circumcision procedure
Approximately 1.5 million children are circumcised each year in Malaysia and most of them undergo the procedure using disposable devices. Most of these disposable devices carry at least a 37% risk of complication to the user. Dr. Mohamad Salleh bin Abdul Aziz, senior lecturer from the Faculty of Medicine invention ‘Solehring’ can reduce such complications and ensure a safe and risk-free circumcision procedure. He is a recipient of ‘Islamic Innovation Challenge (IIC)’ award for his ground-breaking invention, ‘SolehRing’.
Infectious Diseases Clinical Pharmacy Simulation
Infectious Diseases Clinical Pharmacy Simulation
University of Cyberjaya was announced as the winner of the Rogayah Jaafar Award for Innovation in Health Professions Education at the 2019 International Conference on Interprofessional Education in conjunction with Malaysian Association of Education in Medical and Health Sciences (MAEMHS) annual conference held on the 18th and 19th September. The award was conferred for the recognition of Infectious Diseases Clinical Pharmacy Simulation, a new teaching & learning innovation introduced by the Department of Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy involving Year 4 Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons.) students. The innovation was presented at the conference by a department team member, Madam Aina Yazrin binti Ali Nasiruddin who also won the best oral presenter award.

University of Cyberjaya wins the Rogayah Jaafar award
Glucosenz is the world’s first clinically tested non-invasive blood screening prototype. It works by using photonics, electronics, and software technologies to detect, analyse and predict blood glucose level from the blood capillaries of the human thumb without piercing the skin. The device is a result of a seven-year research and development by MIMOS’ photonics technology laboratory. Ethical approval for the device was obtained from the Malaysia Medical Device Association; Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cyberjaya and the UKM Medical Centre (HUKM). 

More about Glucosenz visit
B40 students
B40 students
Financial aids and scholarships are provided for the B40 group of students who are in the bottom 40% of household income group in Malaysia.
First-generation students
First-generation students
University supports first generation students are the first person in their immediate family to attend university.
International students from developing countries
International students from developing countries
University supports international students from the low or lower-middle income countries by providing scholarships and research grants. Countries represented are Syria, Yemen, Kenya, Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, Tanzania, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Djibouti, Philippines.
Number of international students: 439 students

Number of countries representd by our international students: 48 countries
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Students with disabilities
Students with disabilities
University provides inclusive education for disadvantaged groups and ensures no groups should be left behind. They are included in mentor-mentee and counselling services provided by the university.
Franchise Agreements with Affiliate Colleges
Franchise Agreements with Affiliate Colleges
The Centre for Collaborative Programmes (CCP) is responsible for supporting and delivering the University’s programmes via network of affiliate colleges. These colleges are in remote locations in Malaysia and provides study opportunities for students from underrepresented groups.
University participates in educational fairs which has free access to prospect students irrespective of their socio-economic conditions. In the SUREWORKS Education & Further Studies Fair 2019, university offered 100% Bursary Award for foundation programmes, up to 20% scholarships for selected degree programmes, 15% business student excellence award and free hostel up to 1 year for diploma programmes.
Underrepresented groups recruitment and applications
Underrepresented groups recruitment and applications
Student recruitment programmes and visits to government schools in rural regions encourages application from under-represented groups. Applications and admissions of underrepresented groups includes ethnic minorities, low-income students, women, and disabled students.
Anti-discrimination policies
Anti-discrimination policies
University has anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies that protects students and staff from underrepresented groups.
Non-discrimination policy supporting women
Non-discrimination policy supporting women
University practices policies for diversity and inclusion in code of conduct by parent company, Minda Global. University does not discriminate based on gender, race, religion, age, sexual orientation, or disability. Women are treated equally and can develop and realise their full potential.
Whistle-blowing policy
Whistle-blowing policy
University practices policy that protects those reporting discriminations from educational or employment disadvantage.

The university’s Sustainability Committee advises on policies, programmes and trainings related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and human rights on campus.
Support for underrepresented groups
Support for underrepresented groups
University practices policy that protects those reporting discriminations from educational or employment disadvantage.

The university’s Sustainability Committee advises on policies, programmes and trainings related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and human rights on campus.
Mentoring and counselling services are provided to all students including from underrepresented groups.
University’s welfare fund, Tabung Amanah Zakat & Kebajikan University of Cyberjaya (TAZUoC) provides financial aids to staff and students from the underrepresented groups from low household income with monthly self-allowance, education fee, practical, training allowance, emergency aid, Aidilfitri aid, funeral donation, and others.
The problem of digital inequality was more prominent and critical during Covid-19 pandemic. This has prompted TAZUoC in collaboration with the Penolong Amil Zakat Selangor to provide financial help for the purchase of remote learning devices for children of university staff with household income below RM 4000 (Category A) and below RM 6500 (Category B). Maximum financial aid given is up to RM 400 per child for maximum two children.
Understanding Stateless in Malaysia
Understanding Stateless in Malaysia
University was pleased to host an exhibition on the Understanding Statelessness in Malaysia organised by an NGO, Development of Human Resources for Rural Areas (DHRRA Malaysia) for creating awareness on the unfortunate situation fellow Malaysians.
Accessible facilities and support
Accessible facilities and support
Accessible facilities and support are provided for people with disabilities. The campus is disable friendly with side railings, wheelchair ramps, lifts with braille buttons to support people with disabilities.
Campus building
Campus building
University of Cyberjaya campus landscape design concept adopted from “The Woodlands Campus” whereby the result is to achieve an outdoor environment that meets the students’ lifestyle, creating a sense of belonging and conducive interactive space as learning ground. Every open space is planted with a variety of trees and plants in clusters to further enhance ‘the woodland’ environment. It allows natural light the spaces which reduce energy consumption.
Featured in Malaysia Landscape Architecture Yearbook 2018

Published on Apr 20, 2019
Cyberjaya, a Sustainable City
Cyberjaya, a Sustainable City
University is situated in a city which champions sustainability. The Cyberjaya Low Carbon City action plan 2025 by Sepang Municipal Council in collaboration with CYBERVIEW SDN BHD, Government-owned Company landowner of Cyberjaya & Cybercity Manager, MALAYSIA DIGITAL ECONOMY CORPORATION (MDEC) and SETIA HARUMAN SDN BHD, master developer in Cyberjaya. Car Free Day, recycling centre, cycling lanes, urban farm, farmers market is some of the sustainable practices in Cyberjaya.
University’s free bus shuttle service
University’s free bus shuttle service
The university provides a FREE University Shuttle Service for all enrolled students based on affixed schedule thus reducing the need for use of private vehicles. The University Shuttle Service provides connection between the student hostel and campus.
Cyberjaya Dedicated Transportation System (DTS)
Cyberjaya Dedicated Transportation System (DTS)
The corporate citizen of the Cyberjaya township, all staff of the university will have access to the Cyberjaya Dedicated Transportation System (DTS) which facilitates easy shared transport to and from work. Staff can register for the DTS service by contacting the Human Resource Department for assistance.
Putra-NEDO EV Bus
Putra-NEDO EV Bus
Putra-NEDO EV Bus Project by Malaysia’s Putrajaya and Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) was launched to replace buses fuelled by fossil fuels with a fleet of super-quick charge electric buses on a two 23-km circular routes in Putrajaya and Cyberjaya.
Cycling is increasingly becoming popular among Cyberjaya community. There are cycling lanes en route to campus. The university also supports the use of bicycles and shared biking service by providing a safe and secure parking location for bicycles.
Tryke, Malaysia’s first shared e-scooter provider has a parking station at campus entrance for shared electric bike service.

This provides clean energy transportation.
Arts and heritage
Arts and heritage
Malaysia is blessed with cultural diversity, ethnicity, and heritage. In this fast-paced world, it is important preserve cultural heritage, traditions, and languages for future generations. Besides courses like ethnic relationship to develop interest in other cultures, progressive steps are taken towards celebrating the diverse cultural, religious, and economic backgrounds by celebrating cultural festivals such as Ramadhan, Pongal celebrations, Mid-Autumn and Chinese New Year, as well as organising a cultural month to meld them all together and educate students on one another’s traditional values and practices.

Celebrating diversity on campus:

Handling of Waste Managemr
University choir
University choir
The university choir sings the National and university anthem at events like the convocation ceremony.
The University Anthem

From humble beginnings
Through many a tribulation
Nurturing the passion to care
A noble profession

Guided by teachers
Like parents
Deserving respectful love
We are brothers and sisters
Striving for excellence

We seek knowledge
Divine and whole
Enriching the soul
Uplifting the character
For what is success
If it isn’t blessed
Cherishing moments
The joy and sadness
For the wrongs
Seek forgiveness

The path of God, straight
Do not deviate
Feel His Grace
His Mercy, embrace

May our varsity prosper
With His Pleasure
Serving all of humanity
Is our pleasure
The University Mace
The University Mace
The concept and design of University of Cyberjaya mace are based on the combination of contemporary, traditional, and Islamic elements. The design of the mace shows the mission and vision of the university that aspire us to be the leaders who enhance knowledge and uphold our culture, values, and religion.
Chinese Language Society
Chinese Language Society
The Chinese Language Society of University of Cyberjaya promotes Chinese arts, culture and language to students of different races through various activities.
Tamil Language Club
Tamil Language Club
The Tamil Language Club of University of Cyberjaya promotes Tamil arts, culture, and language to students of different races through various activities.
This club brings the opportunity to improve their health by strengthening their body, mind and soul through various activities that will be conducted by this club, as well as to discipline and to motivate them.
Silat Art Association (Persatuan Seni Silat)
Silat Art Association (Persatuan Seni Silat)
This club brings the opportunity to improve their health by strengthening their body, mind and soul through various activities that will be conducted by this club, as well as to discipline and to motivate them.
CUCMS Cultural Club
CUCMS Cultural Club
CUCMS Cultural Club engages students and share with them about the uniqueness of art and cultures. The newly established club encourages individuals to be involved in their creative communities and find their voice by attending occasions that celebrate the diversity of cultures and differences amongst students. The club organized a Cultural Day which had brought local and international cultures at our Cyberjaya Campus.
Waste management
Waste management
University abides by the prescribed standards of the Department of Environment (DOE) in the disposal of scheduled waste. Scheduled waste partners also meet all DOE certification criteria in the treatment of waste disposals. Adhering to the highest standards of waste management and disposal with regards to Scheduled Waste and other hazardous materials.
Disposal of hazardous waste
Disposal of hazardous waste
The clinical and medical waste from laboratory and clinical sessions are disposed with precaution. Licensed contractor is appointed for disposal of scheduled waste (hazardous). There is a standard operating procedure that covers all laboratories in university which involves clinical and non-clinical waste.
Handling of Waste Management
Paper consumption and printing
Paper consumption and printing
University encourages double sided prints and reuse of printed papers, collection of unused office papers and supplying unused office papers for recycling. Secure printing eliminates forgotten printouts, incorrect jobs can be deleted before printing and thereby reducing paper waste.
The menu list at Delish Cafeteria is written on a blackboard notice board which reduces the need for printing and reduces paper consumption. The café also offers e-wallet service for paperless payments.
University is moving processes to digital systems with the utilization of software such as Microsoft OneDrive, Campus Management System and Learning Management System. Documents are digitized in the effort to reduce the use of paper, ink, and electricity. If paper must be used, reusing single sided paper, selection of appropriate print formats and document styles is encouraged. The use of paper is controlled through a quota system.
Reducing single use plastics
Reducing single use plastics
To reduce single use plastic packaging, Faculty of Traditional and Complementary Medicine introduced the concept of plates and cutleries bank where students and staff can borrow for events and ditch single use plastics.
Bring your own container
Bring your own container
Delish, University Cafeteria encourages all to dine-in or bring own packaging in the effort to reduce the use of single use plastics. An additional fee will be charged for takeaway of food and beverages. Vietdekat, one of F&B outlet on campus provided discount for those bringing their own tumbler and containers for takeaways and switched to stainless steel straws.
Encouraging reduce and reuse
Encouraging reduce and reuse
Minimize waste by encouraging the exchange and reuse of equipment and materials amongst departments. University is also working towards creating recycling procedures, promotion of reducing waste, reusing materials and recycling among staff and students.
Environment Product Declaration
Environment Product Declaration
Uoc office chairs are made by Artmatrix which works with Intertek (UK) to assess the product’s lifecycle in order to minimize the carbon footprint with Intertek’s Life Cycle Certification – Environmental Product Declaration (EPD).
Low-carbon energy use
Low-carbon energy use
Saigon Outreach of Unity & Soul (SOUL) 2019 was humanitarian mission aimed to provide much-needed health screening and medical assistance for the poor community in Vietnam. Two of the long-term projects were the installation of solar lamps in the village of Tay Ninh to make electricity accessible to the locals at all times and the painting of a mural in a school in Cho Eh Village.
CUCMS students help the local community in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Environmental education
Environmental education
The webinar on Sejathera and Gross National Happiness co-organised with SMR HR Group emphasised on the importance of conservation of the natural environment for socio-economic wellbeing. A total of 200 participants attended the webinar session.
To watch the recording, click the link below:
Nature and Society Club
Nature and Society Club
The club has a broad spectrum of activities that allows students to participate in outdoor and indoor activities that involve nature and society.
Disaster planning
Disaster planning
University of Cyberjaya (UoC) ensures all its MBBS students are exposed to the Disaster Relief and Medicine (DRM) programme, one of the few universities in the region to provide such training for MBBS students to develop leadership skills in unprecedented circumstances. Students take part in an annual international humanitarian programme that has in the past brought them to earthquake and flash flood zones in Nepal, Vietnam, Laos, Bangladesh and Indonesia.

Medical students trained for disaster response

Role of the university in preparing students for disaster management

Medical students trained for disaster response
As a result of urbanization and linear economy, waste production is increasing at an alarming rate. Solid waste in the form of trash on land clogs storm water drains, increases the risk of flooding, marine pollution and provide habitat for vector propagation. Recycling rates of plastic waste is relatively low in Malaysia as compared to developed countries and about 60 per cent of Malaysians do not dispose garbage into trash bins.

University of Cyberjaya in collaboration with Trash Hero, a non-profit organization conducted Plogging events in Cyberjaya. This fitness trend originally from Sweden involves picking up trash while walking or jogging and addresses problems of lack of fitness and trash pollution at the same time.


Date: 12/11/2018
Time: 8.30am – 11.00am
Venue: Cyberjaya
Volunteers: 44
Reducing the Effect of Trash Pollution and Encouraging Recycling Through ‘Plogging
Plogtastic & Cyberplogging
Date: 29/2/2020
Time: 8.30am – 11.00am
Venue: Cyberjaya
Volunteers: 50
Types and quantity of trash collected

Cigarette butts: 5,400
Bottles caps: 683
Plastic bottles: 676
Yellow cable tie:162
Straws: 131
Aluminium can:122
Glass bottle: 84
Tetra pack: 76
Boxes: 8

Total trash collected: 202 kg
General trash: 103.5kg
Recycle trash: 98.5 kg
Beach clean up
Beach clean up
18 billion pounds of plastic trash winds up in our oceans each year, 80% from land sources. Over 100,000 marine animals die every year from plastic entanglement and ingestion. It is estimated that by the year 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish (by weight). There is enough plastic in the ocean to circle the Earth 400 times. The 5 most common items found in coastal clean ups around the world are single-use plastics, cigarette butts, food wrappers, plastic beverage bottles, plastic bottle caps, plastic straws, and drink stirrers.

Young Mercy programme students participated in a beach clean-up at Bagan Pinang beach, Port Dickson.
Tree planting
Tree planting
Tree planting project called ‘Nurturing the Nature’ was organised by Young Mercy students in local mosque in Cyberjaya. The planting of trees was initiated by the imam of the masjid. The tree was named Salman. Remaining 9 trees was planted by the rest of the committee members.
Care for animals
Care for animals
Passion Paws by Young Mercy students was a project to care for animals in the pet centre. Students walked with the dogs, cleaned the cages, bath and fed the animals.
Biodiversity conversation
Biodiversity conversation
Herbarium collection
Herbarium collection
With one million animal and plant species are at risk of extinction according to U.N. Report, herbarium collection is an important record for future reference and information for conservation. Herbarium workshop facilitated by Mr. Eric, Botanist and Taxonomist from the Centre of Foundation, Language and General Studies, University of Cyberjaya was conducted for students from the Faculty of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. Students learned the techniques of collection of varieties of plant specimens from the garden at University campus, pressing the specimens in a compactor, drying, and mounting of specimens on herbarium sheet and labelling according to taxonomy.
Pharmacognosy phytochemistry laboratory
Pharmacognosy phytochemistry laboratory
Medicinal plant specimens are preserved for identification and study.
The Free Tree Society
The Free Tree Society
Students from the Faculty of Traditional and Complementary Medicine volunteered at Free Tree Society Kuala Lumpur, a non-profit environmental society empowering people to preserve, conserve and save environment. Students helped sorting, re-potting and propagating plants at their nursery nestled in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. These plants are for giveaway days with the goal to share as many plants for the benefit of the environment. Since 2013, over 30,000 plants are given away for free to homeowners, schools, marginalized groups, community gardens and wildlife habitats to proliferate planting, to encourage biodiversity and to promote a love of nature.
University Senate
University Senate
The elected representation on the university’s highest governing body consists of faculty and non-faculty staff
UoC Student Council
UoC Student Council
The University Student Council is the elected representation of students voices. The council consist of the following committee members and is guided by the Student Experiences and Global Engagement (SEGE).
Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption policy
Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption policy
University practices Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption policy by parent company, Minda Global Berhad. This Policy is intended to provide all employees with a basic introduction on how to combat bribery and corruption in furtherance of the group’s commitment to lawful and ethical behaviour at all times.

Governance policies

Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption policy
Shareholder Communication Policy
Shareholder Communication Policy
This policy practiced by university reflects the requirement that shareholders should be fully informed about the latest developments and all material matters and that shareholders should have access to the latest information available utilising, where practicable, electronic communications to keep shareholders and the relevant markets informed of relevant information in a timely manner.
University practices Minda Global Group Code of Conduct which emphasise on keeping on the right side of the law, maintaining the right relationships, engaging with the community and financial integrity and protection of our assets.
Publication of financial data
Publication of financial data
Financial data and other relevant reports are published by parent company, Mind Global Berhad
Expert advice to government
Expert advice to government
Students from the Faculty of Traditional and Complementary Medicine volunteered at Free Tree Society Kuala Lumpur, a non-profit environmental society empowering people to preserve, conserve and save environment. Students helped sorting, re-potting and propagating plants at their nursery nestled in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. These plants are for giveaway days with the goal to share as many plants for the benefit of the environment. Since 2013, over 30,000 plants are given away for free to homeowners, schools, marginalized groups, community gardens and wildlife habitats to proliferate planting, to encourage biodiversity and to promote a love of nature.

Academic staff provides expert advice to local, regional, or national government through policy guidance and participation in committees.

  1. UNESCO Chair in Bioethics Haifa
  2. Technical Committee National Wages Consultation
  3. Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Complaints Committee member
  4. ARPaC (ASEAN Regional Primary Care Physicians)
  5. Technical committee on entry requirement, Pharmacy Board of Malaysia
  6. Laboratory Animal Science Association of Malaysia (LASAM)
  7. Imam Response & Relief Team (IMARET)
  8. Malaysian Homeopathic Medical Council (MPHM)
  9. Joint Technical Committee (JTC) for T&CM Program Accreditation Assessment, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
  10. Malaysia Arab Professional Dialogue Association
  11. Schizophrenia Clinical Practice Guideline
  12. Counsellor Panel Rumah Puteri Arafiah
Participation in government research
Participation in government research
University has established collaborations (MoA) with Ministry of Health, government of Malaysia for teaching & learning activities and research collaborations.

Research collaborations with government universities (2019)

Pharmacy and Medical Students’ Attitude Towards Pharmacist-Physician Collaboration in Malaysia: An Online Survey


Research collaboration with government hospital (2019)

Hospital Serdang – Evaluation of Anaemia Management among CKD patients in Hospital Serdang

Student participation
Student participation
Hanifah Binti Mohd Rofiq and Nurhaziqah binti Izan, a student and alumni from the Faculty of Pharmacy participated in Akademi Parlimen Digital (Digital Parliament Academy) and the Malaysia Youth Leaders’ Assembly (MYLA) 2020, respectively.

University of Cyberjaya students participate in parliament affairs
MoU and MoA
University has partnerships in the areas of student recruitment, trainings, placements, research, etc.
  1. IKOP Sdn Bhd, Kulliyah of Pharmacy, IIUM
  2. Ministry of Health, Malaysia
  3. Pharmaniaga Berhad
  4. Care Concierge (Homecare for the elderly) (MoU)
  5. Fajar International College (MoU)
  6. Ranaco Education & Training Institute (RETI) (MoU)
  7. National Heart Institute (IJN) (MoU)
  8. ALPRO Phramacy Sdn Bhd (MoU)
  9. University Sains Malaysia (USM) (MoU)
  10. Edvantic Edu Universal Sdn Bhd (MoU)
  11. E Stream MSC Sdn Bhd (SQL) (MoU)
  12. Syuen College (MoU)
  1. Embassy of Republic of Yemen The Cultural Attache Kuala Lumpur (MoU)
  2. Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukarta Indonesia (MoU)
  3. Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia (MoU)
  4. Dayananda Sagar University, India (MoU)
  5. Sri Ramakrishna Educational Institutions, India (MoU)
  6. Andalus University of Sciences, Turkey (MoA)
Bioethics Unit of the International Network of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics Haifa
Bioethics Unit of the International Network of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics Haifa
The selection of University of Cyberjaya as UNESCO Bioethics Unit Chair is an excellent progression in its bioethics research continuum. University plays an important role in stimulating an International Network of Institutes for Medical Ethics and Training and contribute to an up-to-date syllabus on medical ethics education within the region and beyond. The chair comprises of more than 218 units in over 77 countries, across 5 continents of the world.
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Memberships and appointments
Memberships and appointments
Management and academic staff are appointed in national and international academic/ professional bodies / associations / NGOs.
  1. Member of the Board of Trustees the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER)
  2. Member of National Lifelong Learning Committee (NLC)
  3. Member of the National Minimum Wage Council
  4. Chairman of the Technical Committee National Wages Consultation
  5. Member of the National Higher Education Council
  6. Member of IIUM Academy of Graduate
  7. Professional Studies Business Advisory Committee
University academics are appointed as committee members and members in national academic/ professional bodies/ associations/ NGOs involved in areas related to SDGs. Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Anuwar Ali, Chancellor of University of Cyberjaya is an economist who is Member of the Board of Trustees the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER); Member of National Lifelong Learning Committee (NLC), Member of the National Minimum Wage Council as well as the Chairman of the Technical Committee National Wages Consultation; Member of the National Higher Education Council; and Member of IIUM Academy of Graduate & Professional Studies Business Advisory Committee. University’s Honorary Professor of Economics, Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Noor Azlan Bin Ghazali heads the Economics and Management Cluster of the National Council of Professors. He served as Head of Special Consultancy Team on Globalization, National Economic Action Council, etc.
University organises, host and participates in conferences in collaborations with other institutions in the areas of medicine, pharmacy, complementary medicine, Occupational Safety and Health, healthcare education. The International Pharmaceutical Research Conference (IPRC) is an annual conference organised by Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Cyberjaya.
  1. International Pharmaceutical Research Conference (IPRC) – Annual since 2015
  2. Cyberjaya Healthcare Education Conference – 2015
  3. Malaysian International Integrative Healthcare Conference – 2017
  4. Osh seminar 2017 Global Wave of OSH Evolution – 2017
  5. 2nd Regional Breastfeeding Conference – 2019
Tan Sri Dr. Palaniappan, Pro Chancellor was recently invited to speak at the Vocational Education and Training (TVET) e-conference in July 2020.
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Joint research is conducted with national and international institution and MoA for research purpose.
University of Cyberjaya was announced as the winner of the Rogayah Jaafar Award for Innovation in Health Professions Education at the 2019 International Conference on Interprofessional Education in conjunction with Malaysian Association of Education in Medical and Health Sciences (MAEMHS) annual conference held on the 18th and 19th September.
  1. Ministry of Health, Malaysia
  2. Pharmaniaga Berhad
  3. Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  4. University of Florence, Italy
  5. Technical Assistance Inc (Bangladesh)
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Collaborations with NGOs
Collaborations with NGOs
University collaborates with NGOs through student volunteering programmes, research programmes, or development of educational resources
  1. Mercy Malaysia
  2. Persatuan Belia Harmoni Malaysia
  3. Kelab Penyayang
  4. Trash Hero Putrajaya
SDG reports
SDG reports
Sustainability report is published in Minda Global Berhad Annual report 2018.
Education for SDGs
Education for SDGs
The Centre for Foundation, Languages and General Studies offers course in Environmental responsibilities. This is a university course which is offered for degree students. The Faculty of Safety and Health offers course in Environmental Management and Sustainability. This course is offered for Occupational Safety and Health degree students. Young Mercy volunteering programme has conducted volunteer activities related to environment sustainability too.


Research at University of Cyberjaya
Besides offering research based postgraduate programmes, the Centre of Graduate Studies also serves to ensure that there are sufficient research funding and resources available to drive the university’s research objectives. The centre is also responsible for driving the university’s research & commercialization partnerships both locally and on the international level.
Research clusters
Intensive research projects are carried out in strategic research clusters that have been identified as high-impact priority areas for University of Cyberjaya.
Cyberjaya International Undergraduate Colloquium for Health Sciences 2021
Intensive research projects are carried out in strategic research clusters that have been identified as high-impact priority areas for University of Cyberjaya.

This research colloquium especially for undergraduate students in the health sciences field organised by Faculty of Medicine, University of Cyberjaya. It will be an annual event for students to present their research findings. This platform aims to gather undergraduate students from different health science faculties and universities so that the students are able to:

  1. Learn and widen their perspective on other research field
  2. Exchange knowledge and skills in methodology
  3. Gain experiences from different kinds of research in health sciences
  4. Present their research findings in an academic conference


Calendar of Events
SDG Week

SDG Week is a dynamic and inclusive event at the University of Cyberjaya dedicated to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It serves as a vibrant platform for students, staff, NGOs, government agencies, businesses, and the wider community to come together and engage in activities that promote sustainability, education, research, and outreach.

Find out more information and webinar schedule at:

Download SDG Week Report

SDG Reports

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