02 Jun 2022
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University of Cyberjaya Students Bring Home Medals at the National Allied Health Sciences Students' Sport Event (NAHSSSE) 2022

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University of Cyberjaya Students Bring Home Medals at the National Allied Health Sciences Students' Sport Event (NAHSSSE) 2022  

Cyberjaya, 2nd June 2022 Students from the Badminton Club and Basketball Club of University of Cyberjaya (UoC) recently brought home 5 medals at the National Allied Health Sciences Students’ Sport Event (NAHSSSE) 2022 which took place at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi on the 21st and 22nd May 2022.  

Diploma in Psychology student, Yoshinii a/p S Saravanan from the Badminton Club scored a Gold medal in the Women’s Singles Tournament, Bachelor in Physiotherapy student, Jackson Yeo Keh Seng scored a Gold medal in the Men’s Singles Tournament, MBBS student, Ahmad Al Mukmin bin Azhan scored a Bronze in the Men’s Singles tournament, and the Women’s Double Tournament saw both Bachelor pf Psychology student, Izzah Maisarah binti Abu Zaki and MBBS student, Nuraina Syakira Romzimah score Gold too.  

The Badminton Club with a total of 86 members is headed by Student President, Shakteshwaran a/l Kanagasabai, a Bachelor of Occupational Safety and Health student. He says, “I’m grateful to our club advisors, Mr. Vickneswaran and Mr. Zafuan as well as the rest of the University of Cyberjaya Badminton Club for guiding, cooperating, and giving their support in managing the club. Winning 3 medals is our first big achievement since the pandemic lockdown and I’m absolutely ecstatic about it!”  

“As a member of the Badminton Club, you get to play Singles or Doubles tournaments to increase your fitness, improve your reflexes or just to have fun. Members have the opportunity to mingle, socialise, and make lots of new friends. We've got a number of activities down in the pipeline including having friendly matches with other universities, hosting our very own tournament, an award ceremony and more,” Shakteshwaran adds.  

While there is no official Basketball team at the University, Biomedical Engineering Technology student, Danis Al Amin took the initiative to build a team consisting of 11 members who took part in the event and won the Bronze medal.  

As the team captain, Danis said, “We played based on our own personal skills and we’re proud that we performed really well in terms of team-play and coordination. The Basketball team was actually formed through word-of-mouth as most of the players practice for leisure at a humble basketball court near the campus.” 

Aside from the Badminton Club and the Basketball team, the UoC Calyx Netball Team consisting of 12 UoC students as well as a Futsal team consisting of 8 UoC students also participated at the event and played competitively amongst other teams. 

The University continues to encourage its students to take part in co-curriculum activities to develop their social skills which will benefit them in the future. This is in line with the University’s mission in producing holistic graduates who are excellent in their academics and possess interpersonal attributes.

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