25 Jul 2023
4 mins read

Kelab Penyayang UOC: Piala Sukeralawan Finalist for "Room of Imagination – a Sensory Room"

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The University of Cyberjaya (UoC) has once again demonstrated its commitment to fostering volunteerism and community spirit by excelling as a finalist in the prestigious Piala Sukarelawan Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia 2023 competition. The university's Kelab Penyayang played a pivotal role in securing this achievement through their impactful community project, "Room of Imagination – a sensory room."

The "Room of Imagination" project was born out of the Kelab Penyayang UoC's dedication to supporting children with autism. Collaborating with IQ70Plus (Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak-kanak Terencat Akal Malaysia), the team aimed to implement an innovative approach to Autism Therapy, focusing on the psychological development of the children.

Having actively participated in teaching and assisting children with autism for the past 3 years, the Kelab Penyayang UoC identified the need for additional intervention to complement IQ70Plus's efforts in achieving its mission. The project's goal was to design a sensory room at the charity house, providing an immersive and therapeutic environment to nurture the children's well-being.

In addition to the sensory room creation, the Kelab Penyayang members shared their knowledge of special education with the guardians and instructors at IQ70Plus. These knowledge-sharing sessions empowered the caregivers with effective tools to support the children's psychological development. Furthermore, the team provided moral, emotional, and social support, fostering a nurturing environment for the children.

The impact of the "Room of Imagination" project goes beyond the charity house. By implementing this innovative initiative, IQ70Plus is better equipped to fulfil its mission of nurturing individuals who can lead better lives with enhanced skills and knowledge. The sensory room has proven to be a valuable asset in the psychological development of children with autism, raising awareness of its importance among caregivers and instructors.

The positive impact of the "Room of Imagination" project is twofold. Not only does it enhance the lives of the children at IQ70Plus, but it also instils the spirit of volunteerism and good values among the members of Kelab Penyayang UoC. Through their active participation in community projects, the volunteer members gain a deeper appreciation for their ability to make a meaningful difference in society.

The University of Cyberjaya takes immense pride in the achievements of its Kelab Penyayang and celebrates its success as finalist in the Piala Sukarelawan Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia 2023 competition. The university remains committed to nurturing socially responsible and compassionate individuals who contribute to the betterment of society.

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