19 Jul 2018
7 mins read

CUCMS’ Students departing for BRACE 2018

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From 22 to 28 July 2018, a total of 40 students from Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) will participate in BRACE 2018 - Bangladesh Relief and Care Expedition, Bangladesh 2018, in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

CUCMS’ Students departing for BRACE BANGLADESH 2018 Mission

Cyberjaya, 19th July 2018 – From 22 to 28 July 2018, a total of 40 students from Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) will participate in BRACE 2018 - Bangladesh Relief and Care Expedition, Bangladesh 2018, in Dhaka, Bangladesh. These students come from a spectrum of healthcare disciplines, including Medicine, Pharmacy, and Psychology and Physiotherapy. Organised by Twenties For Smileys (TFS), a humanitarian organisation under the Student Council, the organisation is named for its mission to bring a sense of positivity to the underprivileged led by students aged 20 and above. This year, TFS has chosen to collaborate with Jahurul Islam Medical College in the village of Bhagalpur, in Bajitpur Upazila of Kishoreganj District as well as Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University to provide relief to the recent flood victims.Image 3

The participants of BRACE 2018 will carry out relief activities which includes mobile clinics; medical checkup and health screening to those affected by the flood; installations of water tube well for enabling water supply distribution; health education; allocation of kits to families consisting of daily necessities, including 70 packages for hygiene, 200 packages for education and 100 prayer kits.

Under a long-term development and renovation project, the mission will help to build nine water tube-wells in the Uthali Village to make clean water accessible to the locals in the Uthali Village. The mission also sponsored washroom extension project in Al-Jamiatul Islamia Majahirul Ulum, a local madrasah or religious school.

This year’s mission is directed by Ameer Ikhwan bin Azminudin, a second-year student of MBBS of CUCMS. Six advising lecturers and two CUCMS’ staff are also involved in the mission, namely Associate Professor  Mohamad Saidy Haji Ismail, a management lecturer; Associate Professor Dr Mohamed Ikram, a medical disaster specialist and anesthetist; Dr Hazian binti Hamzah, specialist in family medicine; Dr Jahidul Islam, from the faculty of medicine; Ahmad Rashidi bin Mohamed Tahir, pharmacy lecturer; Su Natasha Mohamad, biomedical engineering technology lecturer, and two officials from the Student Affair Department, Nurul Shazlin Fadzil and Mohd Khairul Fatha.

BRACE 2018 is the 6th international mission organized by the students of CUCMS which began with the Cambodia mission in 2013, Vietnam in 2014, Pekan Baru, Indonesia in 2015; and Vientiane, Laos in 2016 and Nepal last year.  Engaging in volunteerism and humanitarian programmes are an essential part of CUCMS’ educational philosophy in producing holistic professionals and healthcare providers with quality attributes of leadership, competency, entrepreneurship, and resistance. For this purpose, the students of CUCMS have been encouraged to organize various humanitarian mission within the country and internationally.Image 1

For BRACE 2018, an amount of RM44,000 worth of donations have been collected by the students through fundraising events and other projects over the past 6 months. CUCMS students have been trained to balance out their time and potentials wisely to make this humanitarian mission successful without ignoring their academic responsibilities. CUCMS believes that this type of education and training will produce graduates and medical and health science professional which are competent and balanced physically, intellectually, spiritually and emotionally, thus in line with the mission of CUCMS.

The highlight of this mission would be health care services i.e. mobile clinics that will benefit around 100 villagers who were also flood victims, and 300 students of a neighboring madrasah. In line with this, TFS has collaborated with several local medical colleges namely Jahurul Islam Medical College in the village of Bhagalpur, in Bajitpur Upazila of Kishoreganj District as well as Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University.

TFS CUCMS hopes that the fate of victims of floods will not be forgotten by the world and this humanitarian mission will be done continuously in the future because they still need help. Anyone interested in contributing to this mission may donate to Twenties for Smileys through CUCMS’ Maybank Account 5124 4620 4155. For any inquiries, please contact the advisor of BRACE 2018, Associate Professor Dr Ikram at 0122866266.

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