06 Nov 2019
5 mins read

University of Cyberjaya Wins the Rogayah Jaafar Award

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University of Cyberjaya was announced as the winner of the Rogayah Jaafar Award for Innovation in Health Professions Education at the 2019 International Conference on Interprofessional Education in conjunction with Malaysian Association of Education in Medical and Health Sciences (MAEMHS) annual conference held on the 18th and 19th September.

University of Cyberjaya won the award for its implementation of the Infectious Diseases Clinical Pharmacy Simulation, a new teaching & learning innovation introduced by the Department of Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy involving Year 4 Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons.) students. The innovation was presented at the conference by a department team member, Madam Aina Yazrin binti Ali Nasiruddin who also won the best oral presenter award.

This special award which commemorates the contributions of the late Professor Dr. Rogayah Jaafar who was one of the pioneers in the field of Medical Education in Malaysia, rewards excellent medical education researchers and innovators by recognizing high-quality medical education research, development and innovation

Assistant Professor Dr. Izyan Wahab, the Head of the Department of Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy at University of Cyberjaya explained that this simulation was designed with the intention of bringing as much of the reality and complexity in managing infectious diseases (ID) cases in a hospital into a controlled environment. This way, students are given the opportunities to immerse themselves in a realistic working environment and make sound pharmaceutical care recommendations.

This simulation exercise also serves as a platform for the students to reflect on the responsibilities held by health care providers in real clinical settings.

Prior to the exercise, 25 ID cases were developed by clinical pharmacy lecturers, simulating medical records used by hospitals including bed-head tickets, medication prescription files, chartings of vital signs, blood laboratory results and microbiology culture and sensitivity results. Lecturers were given various roles in

Year 4 students during ID Simulation

the Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) team consisting of ID Consultant/Specialist, Medical Officer, ID Nurse and Senior ID Pharmacist. The students then participated in the ward rounds providing pharmaceutical recommendations and interventions.

Two laboratories (Hospital Pharmacy Services Simulation Laboratory and Clinical Skill Training Ward Simulation) situated at the university’s Cyberjaya campus were set up and used to mimic real hospital ID wards. The AMS rounds were conducted for 3 days, while senior pharmacists’ rounds and follow-up discussions were undertaken for 2 days.

At the end of the simulation week, an online survey was sent to students for their feedback. Majority of the students commented that the activity had stimulated their interest in clinical pharmacy and developed their ability to solve patient-related problems.

‘At University of Cyberjaya, we continuously make efforts to introduce simple, innovative and enjoyable learning activities to enhance the learning experience that suits the learning styles of the millennials. This innovation was developed to expand the experiential learning of clinical pharmacy education and to further improve the quality of University of Cyberjaya’s pharmacy programme as a whole’ said Associate Professor Dr. Zainol Akbar Zainal, Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs, Faculty of Pharmacy.

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