16 Nov 2016
2 mins read

Towards Workplace Competence in Healthcare Professions Seminar

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Towards Workplace Competence in Healthcare Professions Seminar

In conjunction with the Malaysian Association of Education in the Medical and Health Sciences (MAEHMS) 25th AGM.


Keynote Address

  • "Attributes of Competent Healthcare Workers: Current Scenario and Way Forward"
  • YBhg Dato' Dr. Hj. Azman Abu Bakar, Director of Medical Development Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia.



  • "Outcome-based Education: Towards Work Place Competence
  • Associate Prof. Dr. Jaafar Jantan, Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Development, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
  • "Current Trends in Assessing Workplace Competence"
  • Dr. Katherine Boursicot, Director of the Health Professional Assessment Consultancy, Singapore



"Standards in Healthcare Professional Education: Building Common Ground"

Moderator: Prof Dr Aziz Baba (IMU)

Panel Members:

  1. Prof Dato' Dr Mafauzy Mohammed (MMC)
  2. Prof Dato' Dr Mohamad Abdul Razak (CUCMS)
  3. Dr. Katherine Boursicot (HPAC, Singapore)
  4. AP Dr. Mohamad Makmor (UKM)
  5. AP Dr. Khatijah Lim (UM)
Date : 23rd November 2016 (Wednesday)
Time : 8AM – 3PM
Venue : Auditorium, CUCMS
Fee : RM80 (Member) | RM150 (Non-Member)


Dr Rafidah Hod | 019 669 1512 | rafidahhod@upm.edu.my

Dr Siti Mariam Bujang | 013 333 5233 | ctmariam@ppukm.ukm.edu.my

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