31 Aug 2016
4 mins read

Student & Staff Join the #AnakAnakMalaysia Walk 2016

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Johnathan Joseph said, “Stand strong Malaysia and stay united. Let us be an example to the rest of the world. Merdeka and Happy Malaysia Day.”

Student & Staff Join the #AnakAnakMalaysia Walk 2016

Over 120 staff and students of Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) recently joined the #AnakAnakMalaysia Walk 2016 hosted by Star Media Group on 14th August 2016 at Bukit Bintang City Centre. The event aimed to celebrate Malaysia's diversity and promotes unity and understanding among its people.

It was flagged off by the Kuala Lumpur Datuk Bandar, Datuk Seri Mohd Amin Nordin Abd Aziz from the junction of Jalan Imbi and Jalan Pudu at the former of Pudu Jail. Over 6000 participants from all walks of life came together to support this walk of Unity, Harmony and Tolerance.

Apart from that, 10 CUCMS Diploma in Paramedical Science students were on standby and stationed along the 3.4km route to help provide first aid to participants who need it. The successful event was attended with many reasons whether it for fitness, a stand for moderation and unity or spending a quality time with friends and family.

Alifatul Husna Binti Tajjul Ariffin, MBBS, Year 3 said, “I felt like I wanted to do something symbolic and memorable to celebrate this year’s Merdeka & Malaysia Day. And what better way to celebrate the friendship I share with my classmates who are from all over Malaysia and from different races too?  So we are going to walk together.”

Fan Jia Woei said, “In addition to enjoying our beautiful Kuala Lumpur in the morning, I want to remind people that we are one nation, one community and by coming together, we are stronger. There is so much more Malaysia will achieve as our generation grows up. It’s exciting.”

Aruna Mothayapan said, “My message is that Malaysia is a beautiful country because it has beautiful people from so many different races, so let us celebrate each other this Merdeka.”

Theodorus Clement Tessensohn said, “Happy 59th birthday Malaysia and looking forward to decades more of prosperity and success.”

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