Publishing is at the heart of scientific research. It is one of the main ways for authors to have their work validated and shared with fellow researchers. Publishing indexed journals not only increases the profile of the researcher but also the university. However, for research to be published, it is necessary for a researcher to develop successful scientific writing skills starting from learning the importance of paper writing and publishing, understanding the process of paper submission and peer review, dealing with paper revision and rejection and publication ethics. He/she should also aim to produce quality research which will be referred to and cited by other researchers.
An expert and Highly Cited Researcher (Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science), Prof. Dr. Huu Hao Ngo from University of Technology Sydney will be invited as a speaker. Prof. Dr. Ngo has been named in the Australian research ranking as a Leader in Environmental Science and Biotechnology for 2021. With proper guidance from an expert, this workshop could kick-start the writing spirit and provide guidance to UoC academic staff and students.
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